Damage Control, the Australian old school Electro-Industrial act, has delivered a diverse and expressive collection of remix tracks to counterpart their 2017 album Ultranoia. Some songs, like the opening Craig Saunders remix of World In Decline or the Markus App remix of Trauma, masterfully build upon the atmosphere and tone of the original tracks reshaping their new songs with similar genre stylistic elements, choosing to focus on new sound choices rather than redefining the entire tone of the song and in doing so provide you with something that is both familiar but satisfyingly fresh. Other tracks, like late Phil Western's mystifying ambient deconstruction of Resonance or Tom Slug's full-on Rhythmic Noise crushing of After The Fire, really push the songs to the point of unrecognizability.
Often startling and always enjoyable, the sheer talent employed on this collection of songs really makes it stand out as something worthy of listening to all these years later. Like giving a new paint of coat to an old car, giving it a freshness you didn't think possible after all these years, this is definitely similarly worth the checkout especially for any fans of Damage Control, and even for enjoyers of Industrial music in general. This release, even though wild and uncompromising in the progressive sonic directions (And boy does it take many) still has its firm roots in music inspired by the classics like Skinny Puppy, Front Line Assembly, Leatherstrip, etc. Definitely for any of you Rivetheads out there. Don't miss it available streaming and/or digital download on all major platforms including...
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