A non-stop barrage of distortion, electronics, and violent percussion, this album picks up where he left of with Vs The MicroMurder, and takes things to a whole new level.
Touching on elements of many genres and styles, conveying many emotions and concepts, this is definitily a multi-layered album that does not suffer from any of the traditional issues plaguing soft more releases.
Continuing the story of the seemingly Nietzsche inspired LICH, the eternal wanderer and prophesier of a cursed world. Bleak and uncompromising, like the world he describes, this album is a worthy listen for any fans of experimental electronic and metal music.
You can download the album in high quality digital format at a "pay your own price" cost at his official Bandcamp, link can be found below:
Follow LICH's Facebook for up to date information on the project, and related media: