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Fresh Trax!: Ultra LHT Voyeur - The Destroyer

Shiva the Destroyer, the North Star, straight from British Columbia, like black ice, hanging from an astral high, ready to see you on a flip side as he's ODing on codeine, acid, and shrooms, yet still managing to get pussy galore. Not a ghost yet, up on the block like dynamite without a timer, Ultra LHT Voyeur see's the void, ready to grab the game, body the beat, got it old fashioned, anyone who say otherwise is puffin' gas.

Listen to the music streaming on his YouTube or Soundcloud:

Download the track on Ultra LHT Voyeur's official Bandcamp:

Recorded by theProphet @ The Infidel Netwerk studios and record label:

Follow Ultra LHT Voyeur on his official Facebook & Twitter channels:

All lyrics and vocals by Ultra LHT Voyeur Instrumentals produced by Ultra LHT Voyeur & Matt "theProphet" Smith Mixed and Mastered by theProphet

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