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Fresh Trax! : Catgotwasted - Guitar 1928

Switching around styles, not just from track to track, but even within a song, Catgotwasted progressively dances between variety of popular electronic music genres, flirting with techno, breakbeat, drum & bass, downtempo, and new wave all in one drawn out rolling soundscape which you could call none other then "hard hitting beauty". Punching you in the face with repeated flurries of percussive attacks and deep droning distorted basses, all while having fluttering leads and harmonious bubble up and down throughout in a glowing array of melody and harmony. You will find yourself lost in the hypnotic layers entertained by another excellent synthscape produced by this wacked out and wasted feline synth wizard. Catch it on Catgotwasted's official Bandcamp:

Get up to date information at Catgotwasted's official Facebook:

You can download many of Catgotwasted's track's on his official Bandcamp:

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