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Fresh Trax! : Catgotwasted - Acid Casualty

Dreamy jazzy pianos and deep and funky basslines play off each other in an endless daze of a dance, backed by a variety of synthetic ambiances and stabs, this moody electronica soundscape is Catgotwasted at some of his best. Ambient enough you'll find yourself zoning into it's lush sonic meadows, but playful enough you may find yourself frolicking through the fields of your internal audio-induced mental landscapes, this is will be enjoyable to downtempo, electronica, and moodier IDM fans. Definitely check out this interesting song which can be found for digital download on his official Bandcamp:

Get up to date information at Catgotwasted's official Facebook:

You can download many of Catgotwasted's track's on his official Bandcamp:

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