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Fresh Trax!: Ultra LHT Voyeur - Crammin'

Feeling lit and ready to cruise, all night and day this nutritionist will be ready to have your meal supplements. Keeping construction flowing, this king of the North makes sure all the presents are in perfect order. Crammin' in as much as he can in the meager time we're given for our mortal toil, this all organic music machine keeps busy no matter the cost. Efficiency to express, express to ascend, ascend so you never have to depend. Remember friends, "Just don't stop!"

Listen to the music streaming on his YouTube or Soundcloud:

Download the track on UltraLhtBoi's official Bandcamp:

Recorded by theProphet @ The Infidel Netwerk studios and record label:

Follow UltraLhtBoi on his official Facebook & Twitter channels:

All lyrics and vocals by Ultra LHT Voyeur Instrumentals produced by Ultra LHT Voyeur & theProphet (of KVLT KRFT Productions) Mixed and Mastered by theProphet

You can find other beats made by KVLT KRFT Productions on their official store:

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