Severed Skies, the American Industrial inspired solo artist, has released his third album and fourth output overall, a seven track mood-setting album "Illusions", with a name and album cover that both suit the albums tone perfectly. This release is atmospheric and psychedelic from beginning to end, with a heavy focus on densely layered crystalline atmospheres, presented through complex harmonies and melodies. The vocals are harsh and brooding wavering between a longing questioning & emotional and commanding tone.
The drums are often driving, evoking a tone and feel anyone familiar with industrial music will be familiar with. The songs are often long, shifting between many different sections with each section really taking it's time to let it's presence be felt before gracefully shifting to the next, reminiscent of the movements of classical music. The overall tone of the album is one of contrast, with many cold sounds balanced by warm ones, and many deep sounds balanced by bright ones, though if I had to place an emphasis it would definitily be on the cold and bright. The mood of the album is one also of contrast, with a lot of calls and answers, a push and pull between the emotional and reserved; the mysterious and the upfront. Overall the album strikes a solid balance between the contrast needed to keep it engaging with the long song lengths, and the consistency you'd expect from a put together album.
Info from the artist:
"For those who dream and are inspired to live life through dreams.
Thanks to Tommy T. Rapisardi of DSBP Records for the mastering, CD art, and packaging.
Thanks to Mario Bulasinski for the Front Cover art."
1. Aurora
2. Replicant
3. Aether
4. Noir Dreams
5. Chasm
6. Lifeforce
7. Illusions
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