Abyss the Mighty Void, a local British Columbian Hip-Hop Legend has joined The Infidel Netwerk as one our latest members. We currently have a new 9 track album in the works, with potential for more releases to be recorded after. However, before we can deliver you the new, we wanna make sure you have a complete look at the old. Though far from a comprehensive discography, Abyss the Mighty Void has made a substantial delivery by adding three albums which were not previously digitally available. Staring Back At You from 2006, Diary from 2007, and Something Out Of Nothing from 2010, with of course his most recent Family album from 2014 also being available as well. These 4 albums, being his most recent material, are all available at a "Pay What You Want" price (including free for those financially disabled) on his official Bandcamp, so don't miss it for an excellent dishing of some of the finest hip-hop in the British Columbian music scene.
Catch the link here:
Follow his latest activities on his official Facebook: